Here are the 4 most thought-provoking cyber security questions the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) wants your board to ask you.
We frequently ask these questions to executive teams to gauge the maturity of the cybersecurity program.
Can you answer these questions?
If an adversary wanted to inflict the most damage on our company, how would they go about it?
If you don’t know your vulnerabilities, your adversaries will find them for you.
This question forces CTOs to think like the adversary…
How will you know if you have been hacked?
Do you have confidence in your detection and response capabilities? Are there blindspots?
This is designed to get insight into the maturity and coverage of security monitoring.
Who would target you? What’s thier motivation?
Different attackers have different tactics, techniques, and procedures for attacks. Knowing your threat actors helps guide security investment and protective controls.
What’s the definition of Material for your business? Typically this is defined in financial terms.
Do you have a clear escalation process?